Obama to Clyburn: Charleston victims ‘are my people’

Rep. James Clyburn speaks during a prayer vigil for the nine people
slain inside the Emanuel AME church in Charleston, S.C. (Photo: Richard
Nearly one week after the Charleston mass shooting, Rep. James Clyburn,
D-S.C., condemned the Confederate flag as a symbol of “suppression,”
accused Republicans of giving “aid and comfort” to a far-right group
thought to have inspired the alleged killer, and recalled an anguished
telephone call with President Barack Obama the day after the tragedy.
In an emotional telephone interview with Yahoo News on Sirius/XM radio,
Clyburn said he was on his way from Charleston airport on Thursday to a
prayer service for those slain at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal
Church when Obama called.
“The president called, and we talked, and I noticed that he was very
emotional in talking about Clementa” Pinckney, the pastor and Democratic
state senator killed in the attack, Clyburn said.
“I mentioned a couple of names (of victims) to him. He said, ‘Those are
my people! Those are my people!’ He repeated that two or three times. I
could tell that this event has struck a very emotional chord with him.
So I was not the least bit surprised when he informed us that he would
be coming to the service,” Clyburn said. Obama will deliver the eulogy
for Pinckney on Friday.
The lawmaker also accused the Republican Party of giving “aid and
comfort” to the Council of Conservative Citizens, a group that advocates
white primacy and opposes “all efforts to mix the races of mankind.”
Several GOP presidential hopefuls have announced recently that they
will return donations from the group’s president, Earl Holt III, after
it emerged that the alleged Charleston killer, Dylann Roof, cited the
organization’s work as an inspiration. The group posted a statement on
its website saying that it is “deeply saddened” by the shootings and
hopes “ that there will not be an escalation of racial tension .”
“All you have to do is look at it, this Council of Conservative
Citizens, how much money they were giving to Ted Cruz, Rand Paul — these
guys are big contributors,” Clyburn said. “I’m not saying anything that
is a secret.”
Cruz, a Republican senator from Texas, and Paul, a Republican senator
from Kentucky, are only returning the money “now that this has come to
light,” Clyburn said.
“But they were taking this money before, and they’ve been giving aid
and comfort to these people, and that’s just a fact,” the lawmaker said.
Amid a heated debate over the fate of the Confederate flag flying near
South Carolina’s state Capitol, Clyburn said he was “hopeful” that state
lawmakers would rally the support necessary to take it down, and he
linked the banner to the Ku Klux Klan, segregation, and efforts to
cripple the civil rights movement.
“When I look at that flag, I see my great-grandparents, even in some
instances my grandparents, because that flag is the flag of the
Confederate Army of Northern Virginia,” he said. “That’s not the
Confederate flag, that’s the flag that was popularized after the Civil
War by Nathan Bedford Forrest when he went out to form the Ku Klux
“When John Lewis was beaten on the Edmund Pettus Bridge, when — I think
it was in Anniston, Ala. — when those Freedom Riders were attacked,
everybody knows that the law enforcement officers stayed away so that
the vigilantes could beat and firebomb these people. The confederate
flag was everywhere to be seen,” Clyburn said. When South Carolina’s
Strom Thurmond ran for president as a segregationist in 1948, “that flag
was all over his convention,” the lawmaker added.
“That flag is a sign, a symbol, of rebellion, of defiance, of
suppression. That’s what that flag is, and everybody knows that,” he
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