Nigeria’s Vice President, Prof Yemi Osinbajo interacts with a wounded soldier injured during battle against Boko Haram
Nigeria’s Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, has reiterated President Muhammadu Buhari’s resolve to end Boko Haram insurgency in the North East and restore the livelihood of Nigerians who have been badly affected by terrorism in Yola.
Osinbajo who has been touring in the North East in the last two days on the instruction of the President told IDPs in NYSC camp and terrorism patients at the Federal Medical Center, both in Yola “everyday, everyday the president is thinking about you. That is why he sent me. To come and see, take notes, to understand what is going on, to hear from you, so that I can report to him for positive action. That is why I am here,” he said in a statement issued by Abiodun Abiola, his Senior Special Assistant, Media and Publicity.
Continuing he added that the President wants the IDPs and all victims of terrorism to be hopeful, that there would be restoration.
“He asks me to say to you that there is hope, great hope. That the federal government under his leadership will ensure everything is done to provide for you and resettle you back to you homes, your work, your businesses and your places of worship.”
He added however that the people should be patient. “But you have to be patient, you have to be patient. As you know, the government has very little money. We are running after all the money everywhere, so that we use it to serve you.”
Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo also noted that the Federal Government will take seriously the need to sweep off land mines and other forms of explosives from farmlands in territories recently recovered from insurgents.
Prof Yemi Osinbajo at the Federal Medical Center in Yola
Prof Yemi Osinbajo at the Federal Medical Center in Yola
Speaking at the Bajabure NYSC Orientation camp in Damare area of Girei Local Government Council of Adamawa State today, the Vice President observed that the task of de-mining affected farmlands in the recovered areas ravaged by insurgency would receive utmost priority of government, as it is a very important step in achieving the primary objective of rehabilitation and resettlement of displaced persons back to their homes.
Explaining the seriousness of the situation, the Vice President said terrorists “plant land mines and other forms of explosives , making it difficult for people to resettle and that is the reason why it is absolutely important for us that the farmlands are swept clean of mines and explosives. That is a matter we shall take seriously, that is de-mining of farm lands”
While commenting on the problem of unemployment, and poverty in Adamawa State, the VP disclosed that his party, the All Progressives Congress (APC) is specifically concerned with these major problems. He said “naturally on the concern about the question of unemployment in this State and the question generally about poverty in this particular State, the FG is specifically concerned about the issues of mass poverty and one of our cardinal campaign promises is that the poor in this country must not be left behind and must not be forgotten.”
He thus reiterated the commitment of President Muhammadu Buhari towards the alleviation of poverty among the masses, promising that Government has made it a high priority.
Meanwhile, during his interaction with about 2,100 internally displaced persons being accommodated in the camp, the Vice President informed them that because President Muhammadu Buhari was concerned about their welfare and the general condition in the camp, he had instructed him to visit them and to find out how they were coping. He assured them of government’s readiness to rebuild their homes, places of worship, markets, schools and provide other necessary infrastructures which would enable them settle down to normal life in their communities when they return home.
However, Prof, Yemi Osinbajo assured the government of Adamawa State that the administration of President Buhari was committed to assisting them rebuild and reconstruct affected parts of the State.
During his visit to the State, Prof. Osinbajo visited some of the wounded soldiers and other victims being treated at the Federal Medical Center, Yola. He was accompanied by the Governor of Adamawa State, Senator Bindow Jubrilla and other dignitaries.
Prof Osinbajo had earlier paid a courtesy call on the Lamido of Adamawa, Alhaji Muhammadu Barkindo Mustapha, who expressed delight in the readiness of the Buhari presidency to confront the insurgency crisis in the state and other parts of the North East.


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